Via Fiume n° 10 - 23862 CIVATE (LC) - Italy
Telephone +39 0341 210093 | Fax +39 0341 210109 | Email
Pec: | P.I. 00075120139
N.REA: LC-163288 Ufficio delle imprese di Como-Lecco | Share capital paid: € 18.600,00
The Management of Eredi Airoldi Srl has decided to adopt a quality management system according to the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard. In this context, it issues this Quality Policy with the intention of pursuing the following objectives:
- To become a point of reference in the Italian and European markets in the production of strips anc cold rolled pipings.
- Maintain and improve an effective Quality Management System that helps the company to increase the satisfaction of customers and all interested parties.
- Optimize the resources available in the company through constant improvement of management and production processes.
- Promote a process-based approach in which the activities carried out are continuously monitored and reviewed on the basis of measurable objectives.
- Work in close collaboration with suppliers and customers in order to identify any key aspects that may impact the quality of the final product and delivery times.
- Adopt constant interaction with the customer in order to offer not only the supply of compliant products but also adequate service and technical assistance.
- Implement a growing staff involvement to increase their motivation and awareness of the importance of their role in compliance with the management system procedures.
- Implement proper management of risks and opportunities in order to promote investments and improvement actions such as to maintain high competitiveness in its sector.
- Promote the disclosure of this Policy to all company personnel, customers and suppliers.
- Analyze the impact of climate change on the quality management system and, where possible, improve the energy efficiency of its processes and outputs.
The Management, in order to achieve the stated objectives, promotes:
- Staff participation and involvement in learning and coaching programs
- A proactive attitude in pursuing the improvement of processes
The implementation and dissemination of the quality policy at all company levels are guaranteed by:
- Display of this document in the offices and production departments as well as availability to anyone who requests it.
- Review and periodic checks to ensure the implementation and maintenance of the Management System.
Civate 24/10/2024 The Direction
Mario Airoldi